Business Training

How to implement e-learning in your company and “sell” it to your employees?

In times of pandemic and information overload, the need to train employees has become primary and the advancement of new technologies is a fundamental ally for this.
However, many times, imposing “normative” training is not the best strategy for your employees to incorporate this tool and exploit its full potential.

We recommend some actions that can minimize the risk of your e-learning being perceived negatively among your employees:


1. When you plan the content of the course, think about the audience that will have to take it. If possible, research their interests to think of a product that might appeal to them. research their interests to think of a product that might appeal to them.

2. Make sure that all the people who are going to navigate the course have the necessary skills to do so (language, language, device management) and the technological resources to facilitate its completion (access to PC, cell phone, internet).

3. Remember that, if they are mandatory, the courses must be included in your employees’ work plan and within their working hours. Incorporating training into your responsibilities and benefits is not the same as adding it as an extra-work task.

4. Contextualize! When you make training available to your employees, explain its purpose, the knowledge they will incorporate and what contribution it will bring to their daily work and to the company.

5.Highlight the benefits of e-learning: don’t forget to mention self-management, agility and interaction (associating it with the game is always a plus!).

Once you have implemented a training, take the time to listen to the opinion of the employees, it can be through a survey or directly consulting some of them, to find out their perception of the course. Explore the content, the duration, the aesthetics and the learning method to be able to incorporate improvements in your future e-learnings.

Idea: María Paula Agnoletti  project manager at Baudis
Writing:  María de Jesús Espil   editor and teacher at Baudis
Paula Agnoletti

Author Paula Agnoletti

Diseñadora en Comunicación visual especializada en desarrollo de capacitaciones digitales, e-learning, comunicación virtual. Apasionada por la creatividad y la búsqueda constante de innovación. Enfocó su carrera en desarrollos para e-learning, comunicaciones internas y educativas. Interesada también en las últimas tecnologías de comunicación y el diseño aplicadas a las mismas. Coordinadora de equipos interdisciplinarios para gestionar proyectos innovadores. Especialidades: Diseño gráfico para piezas de e-learning, presentaciones, comunicaciones internas, outsourcing, capacitación. Gamificación.

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